
Fix for "Is the package apt-transport-https installed?"

# Fix for "Is the package apt-transport-https installed?" - Raspberry Pi 1 A+ - sudo apt-get update # Solution ` sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list ` ` # Was: 12/19/17. Updated 9/13/21 to point to "legacy" server. deb  jessie main contrib non-free rpi # Uncomment line below then 'apt-get update' to enable 'apt-get source' deb-src  jessie main contrib non-free rpi ` ` cd /usr/lib/apt/methods sudo ln -s http https ` # References - -

Linux Mint "Authentication required"

 Linux Mint "Authentication required" The Keyring Concept in Ubuntu: What is It and How to Use it?

how to install the ruby gem package "taglib"

 # install FOR ubutun sudo apt-get install libtag1-dev gem install taglib-ruby # check FOR taglib $ irb irb(main):001:0> require 'taglib' => true irb(main):002:0>

A youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes

1. youtube download:  yt-dlp 2. Install  yt-dlp python -m pip install yt-dlp 3. Use  yt-dlp yt-dlp -F h ttps://

install python on Linux Mint 21

1. Simple Python version management 2. Install pyenv curl | bash 3. Use pyenv pyenv versions pyenv install 3.11.1 pyenv global 3.11.1

Error: Rails7, Vite3 and HMR

Solution: import { defineConfig } from ' vite ' import RubyPlugin from ' vite-plugin-ruby ' import FullReload from " vite-plugin-full-reload " ; import vue from ' @vitejs/plugin-vue ' export default defineConfig ({ plugins: [ RubyPlugin (), FullReload ( [ " config/routes.rb " , " app/views/**/* " ] , { delay: 200 }), vue () ] , server: { // Solution: // Error: [vite] Direct websocket connection fallback hmr: { clientPort: 3036 }, }, }) Error: WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed:            client.ts:78 [vite] Direct websocket connection fallback. Check out to remove the previous connection error.             client.ts:59 References: