《问》 How do we save terminal output to a file? > to output standard info to a file, and remove all old output linux_command > standard_output . txt >> to append standard info to the end of the file linux_command > > standard_output . txt &> to output the standard info and error to a file, and remove all old output linux_command > standard_output_and_error . txt 2> to just output standard error, and remove all old output linux_command > standard_error . txt Others linux_command &>> output . txt linux_command 2>> output . txt linux_command | tee -a output . txt References https://superuser.com/questions/1084287/save-terminal-output-command-on-osx https://support.apple.com/guide/terminal/redirect-terminal-input-and-output-apd1dbe647b-7e11-49dc-aa76-89aa7e53ce36/mac https://askubuntu.com/questions/420981/how-do-i-save-terminal-output-to-a-file http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=2008...