to well, to wear H,age walk, work save, safe pictures, packages They'll, their Ireland, island RAF, rough browsers, blouses birds,boats at, ate learning, learn, running let,late fall, for lesson, listed only, early our, or, owl too much, to match where were they yesterday, we were there yesterday where were they yesterday, we were there yesterday were they there yesterday Our stay here, I'll stay here write, light, right pepper, paper noodles, new doors
『》』什么是单态类? 『《』单态类是一种创建性模型类,它用来确保只产生一个实例,并提供一个访问它的全局切入点。 『》』在Ruby语言中,如何写第一个单态类代码? 『《』我们给出一个具体单态类DbConnect代码(线程安全): require 'singleton' class DbConnect include Singleton end 『》』如何调用我们上述的单态类DbConnect? 『《』我们通过irb来实际操作一下: 『》』在Ruby语言中,如何写第二个单态类代码? 『《』我们给出第二个具体单态类DbConnect代码(非线程安全): DbConnect = class def foo ; end def bar ; end end 『》』如何调用我们第二个单态类DbConnect? 『《』我们还是通过irb来实际操作一下: 『》』在Ruby语言中,如何写第三个单态类代码? 『《』我们给出第三个具体单态类DbConnect代码(非线程安全): module DbConnect def eins;end def zwei;end module_function :eins,:zwei end 等价代码为: DbConnect = class def eins;end def zwei;end end module DbConnect private def eins;end def zwei;end end